Good News for Today

When God called Rhonda Schrage to leave a traditional career and build a new one based on her art, some thought she was crazy, but she stepped out in obedience and found the Lord walking with her every step of the way.
Schrage, who lives in Jefferson City, Missouri, starts with a Bible passage written on a canvas. Then she begins to sketch out her design as she continues to pray through the passage. As she paints, the passage is usually covered as she completes the work of art – which typically resembles something that has come to mind as she prayed through the passage.
Schrage says she hopes to open a brick-and-mortar art gallery one day but for now, will continue to shine light through her art wherever doors open.
Not only are churchgoers watching Christian movies, but some find them useful as an evangelistic and discipleship tool.
A recent study by Lifeway Research finds 68 percent of American Protestant churchgoers have watched a Christian movie in the last year. Around 4 in 5 (81 percent) say Christian movies are effective evangelism tools.
“We live in a visual, video-driven generation. Movies can be great tools to reach people where they are and share biblical truth in the context of an emotional and memorable story,” said movie maker Stephen Kendrick.
The Kendrick Brothers latest release – The Forge – opens in box offices nationwide Aug. 23.
The study found more than 1 in 10 churchgoers have invited a non-Christian to watch a Christian movie with them in the last year. Churchgoers aged 18 -49 are most likely to say they’ve offered the invitation to a non-believing friend.
Wars in Eastern Europe and the Middle East have destabilized entire regions. Extreme weather conditions have upset crop yields in Africa. Economic instability has raised operational costs for farmers around the world.
These and many other challenges have left tens of millions of people around the world staring down the barrel of food shortages.
Send Relief is leading efforts for Global Hunger Sunday on Aug. 25. It’s an initiative to combat hunger and share the Bread of Life.
Food insecurity affects the world – and that includes the United States – where more than 10 percent of the population deals with it daily according to the Center for Nutritional Impact.
Learn how you can help at

What is Good News for Today?

Good News for Today shares and spotlights the good God is doing in this world. Through the stories of Baptist Press, we’ll introduce you to Christians and churches who are making an impact for the glory of God.