Modernize or Die ® Podcast

Gavin Pickin and Daniel Garcia host the this weeks CFML News Podcast. They discussed the new dates for Into the Box, and why Ortus decided to change them, hint, it's for you! They announced the call for speakers for ITB was extended until April 30 with the earlybird special as well. They announced Adobe's Developer Week, and highlighted other Adobe webinars and workshops as well. They discussed Lucee 5.3.9 stable release that should drop today, and a beta of a the S3 lucee extension. Pete Freitag is back with CFBreak, a email newsletter to keep you up to date with CFML news, and they announced CFWheels is now on the Open Source Collective, and Fusion Reactor's Adobe CF sale only lasts a few more days. The shared John Farrar's recording from his Mid Michigan CFUG meeting on Vue 3 and announced not 1 but 2 upcoming Online CF Meetups hosted by Charlie Arehart. They remind you of other webinars this week, Ortus's Webinar on CBSecurity, and Hawaii CFUG on ORM.

They discuss the some upcoming conferences, including updates for for ITB later in the year, as well as some new events, like the VueJS Forge hackathon by Vue School. They discuss what's new and coming soon with CFCasts as well.

They spotlight a lot of great blog posts, tweets, videos and podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show. 
They announce some jobs from and on the web.

They show off the ForgeBox module of the Week - CBMailServices PreMail Filter - This is a tool that fires on the PreMail interception point, allowing you to filter emails being sent from your application using CBMailServices.

This week's VS Code Tip of the week is Depot Data Editor by Afterschool Studio - Structured data editor for VS Code - Edit JSON data directly inside of code with a spreadsheet like interface. Can be used to replace the need for .csv or XML files

They thanked all their Patreons - they talked a little information about perks for their Patreon supporters, including Annual Memberships with a discount.

For the show notes - visit the website

Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio

Show Notes

2022-04-26 Weekly News - Episode 145
Watch the video version on YouTube at 
Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions
Daniel Garcia - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions
Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions
The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-en out there. 
A few ways  to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
Like and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. 
Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our Repos
Star all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with 
Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review
Sign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content every week
Buy Ortus’s Book - 102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (
Patreon Support
We have 35 patreons providing 92% of the funding for our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: 

News and Events

New Into the Box Dates Announced - Almost 100% finalized
Ortus Solutions is happy to announce we have new finalized dates for Into the Box 2022 and the venue. Into the Box 2022 will be hosted in Houston Texas, Tuesday September 6th through Thursday September 8th, 2022. The conference will be at a new venue, the Houston CityPlace Marriott at Springwoods Village.
Adobe semi officially announced their dates (still un-official at the time of writing this post) and they were close, back to back weeks at the end of September/October. We felt like the ColdFusion community deserves more in person conferences, ColdFusion Community members need the opportunity to speak and or attend more in person coldfusion conferences. If we left the conferences back to back with only a travel day/weekend in between, it would have been hard for many if not most coldfusion community members to attend both.
By changing the dates, it might still be hard or impossible for a lot of speakers, sponsors, and community members, but now those percentages have increased, and both conferences will be more successful, and that will help the community be more successful... and at the end of the day, we all win if ColdFusion wins.

Since we moved dates for ITB 2022 - We’re extending the Call for Speaker Deadline - April 30, 2022
Since we had to make changes to the schedule, we wanted to make sure every community member had the opportunity to submit their proposal.
Into the Box will be live in Houston in September 2022.

Adobe Announced Adobe Developer Week 2022
July 18-22, 2022
Online - Virtual - Free
The Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week is back - bigger and better than ever! This year, our experts are gearing up to host a series of webinars on all things ColdFusion. This is your chance to learn with them, get your questions answered, and build cloud-native applications with ease.
Note: Speakers listed are 2021 speakers currently - check back for updates 

Lucee Installers released - Stable release coming today!
So we solved the last blocker for the 5.3.9 release, stable release tomorrow!
Here are the preview installers, they bundle
Apache Tomcat/9.0.62
Java 11.0.15 (Eclipse Adoptium) 64bit
BonCode 1.0.42
Java 17 is still not fully working, but Lucee will start instead of crashing on startup.
Users with M1 Macs should now be able to use a native ARM JVM. 

New Beta for the S3 Lucee Extension (awslib) 
We had been using the older, no longer maintained jets3t library, but it’s no longer maintained and was causing a range of minor problems which led us to decided to switch over to the the AWS S3 java library.
Those problems being
large multipart uploads failing sometimes
occasional OSGI issues with the jets3t properties file
Basically as an end user, there is no functional difference between the 0.9.154 and versions, in our testing the new version is a bit faster, especially with file deletion. 

CFBreak is Back
A once weekly email newsletter for the ColdFusion / CFML community.
Hi, this is Pete Freitag, you're receiving this email because you signed up for my CFML / ColdFusion monthly newsletter CFML News here a few years ago.
I haven't posted to the newsletter since 2020, so I decided it is time for a refresh, and a rebrand of the newsletter. 

CFWheels has joined Open Source Collective
CFWheels has joined the Open Source Collective allowing us to raise, manage, and spend money transparently. 
Hot deal on Adobe ColdFusion from Fusion Reactor - Pricing good until April 30th
Adobe ColdFusion Hot Sale. Upgrades to Adobe ColdFusion are now available at an exclusive rate. Upgrade to ColdFusion 21 if you have CF9, 10, 11, or 2016 and get the following deal:
25% discount compared to the full price of CF21
This offer is only available to FusionReactor customers for STD and ENT editions of ColdFusion. If you’re not already a customer, then by adding FusionReactor in, you still have a significant saving. FusionReactor prices start from $19 per month, see our APM pricing page. 

ICYMI - Mid-Michigan CFUG - John Farrar is presenting on 13 ways to modernize with Vue 3
4/19/2022 - 7 pm eastern time.
Learn everything that is new and how to transition to Vue 3.
Meeting URL: 
Recording Available:

Online ColdFusion Meetup - "Updating the Java underlying ColdFusion", with Charlie Arehart
Thursday, April 28, 2022
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM PDT
With Java updates happening about quarterly (and one just last week), it's important that ColdFusion administrators and/or developers keep up to date on the Java version which underlies their CF (or Lucee) deployments. While the simplest question may seem to be "how do I do such an update, effectively" (and it really can be quite simple), there's a good bit more to updating the Java (aka jvm, jdk, jre) which underlies your CFML engine.

In this session, veteran troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will share his experience helping people deal with this topic for many years, including:

Considering, planning the jvm update (what jvm do you have, what can you update to, why should you?)
Performing the jvm update (where to get it, how to install it, how to configure CF to use it)
Avoiding various potential gotchas when updating the JVM
How to be made aware of new JVM versions
Whether you use CF or Lucee, deployed traditionally or via Commandbox (or even containers), most of the discussion will apply to you.

Ortus Webinar - April - cbSecurity: Passwords, Tokens, and JWTs with Eric Peterson
April 29th 2022
11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Learn how to integrate cbSecurity into your application whether you are using passwords, API tokens, JWTs, or a combination of all three!
More Webinars: 
Hawaii ColdFusion Meetup Group - Using ColdFusion ORMs with Nick Kwiatkowski
Friday, April 29, 2022
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM PDT
The ColdFusion language introduced the concept of ORM (Object Relation Mappings) to allow developers to be able to do database work without having to write database-dependent SQL.

Nick Kwiatkowski is an adjunct professor at Michigan State University, a member of the Mid-Michigan CFUG, and Apache Foundation Member. His day job also includes managing the telecommunications platforms at MSU as well as managing a variety of applications on campus. He has been a ColdFusion developer for nearly 25 years and an instructor for 15. 

Online ColdFusion Meetup - “Code Reuse in ColdFusion - Is Spaghetti Code still Spaghetti if it is DRY?” with Gavin Pickin
Thursday, May 12 2022
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM PDT
Find out the difference between DRY code and WET code, and what one is better, and more importantly, WHY.
We write code once, but we read it over and over again, maintaining our code is 90% of the job... code reuse is our friend. 
You are already Re-using code, even if you didn't know you were.
We'll learn about the different types of Code Reuse in ColdFusion, and the pros and cons of each. 

Adobe Workshops
Join the Adobe ColdFusion Workshop to learn how you and your agency can leverage ColdFusion to create amazing web content. This one-day training will cover all facets of Adobe ColdFusion that developers need to build applications that can run across multiple cloud providers or on-premise

10:00 AM PDT
Adobe ColdFusion Truths
Mark Takata

9:00 AM CET
Adobe ColdFusion Workshop
Damien Bruyndonckx (Brew-en-dohnx)

Full list - 

CFCasts Content Updates

Just Released
Gavin Pickin - Publish Your First ForgeBox Package
Minimum Requirements for a Package 
What happens if your slug for your package isn’t unique?'t-unique 

Coming Soon
More… Gavin Pickin - Publish Your First ForgeBox Package

Conferences and Training

May 10, 2022
Free Online Virtual Conference
DockerCon will be a free, immersive online experience complete with Docker product demos , breakout sessions, deep technical sessions from Docker and our partners, Docker experts, Docker Captains, our community and luminaries from across the industry and much more. Don’t miss your chance to gather and connect with colleagues from around the world at the largest developer conference of the year. Sign up to pre-register for DockerCon 2022! 

US VueJS Conf
Beach. Code. Vue.
Workshop day: June 8
Main Conference: June 9-10

Adobe Developer Week 2022
July 18-22, 2022
Online - Virtual - Free
The Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week is back - bigger and better than ever! This year, our experts are gearing up to host a series of webinars on all things ColdFusion. This is your chance to learn with them, get your questions answered, and build cloud-native applications with ease.
Note: Speakers listed are 2021 speakers currently - check back for updates 

THAT Conference
Howdy. We’re a full-stack, tech-obsessed community of fun, code-loving humans who share and learn together.
We geek-out in Texas and Wisconsin once a year but we host digital events all the time.

For a limited time all monthly THAT Online events are free and do not require a ticket to participate.
Read more at: on THAT.
There have webinars too

A four-day summer camp for developers passionate about learning all things mobile, web, cloud, and technology. 

Our very own Daniel Garcia is speaking there 

CF Summit
In person at Las Vegas, NV in October 2022!
Official-”ish” dates:
Oct 3rd & 4th - CFSummit Conference
Oct 5th - Adobe Certified Professional: Adobe ColdFusion Certification Classes & Tests

VueJS Forge 
June 29-30th
Organized by Vue School
_The largest hands-on Vue.js Event
Team up with 1000s of fellow Vue.js devs from around the globe to build a real-world application in just 2 days in this FREE hackathon-style event.
Make connections. Build together. Learn together.
Sign up as an Individual or signup as a company (by booking a call)

Into The Box 2022
Solid Dates - September 6, 7 and 8, 2022
One day workshops before the two day conference!
Early bird pricing available until April 30, 2022

Call for Speakers - Extended until April 30, 2022

Conference Website:

Into the Box Latam 2022
Tentative dates - Dec 1-2

Still waiting as well.

More conferences

Need more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community.

Blogs, Tweets, and Videos of the Week

Looking for more content, check out the other ColdFusion related Podcasts
​Working Code Podcast 
​CF Alive 

April 25, 2022 - Blog - Mark Takata - Adobe - Turning on NULL support in ColdFusion 2018+
While playing around with booleans, I ended up running into some fun stuff(tm) having to do with NULL. As you might be aware, as of Adobe ColdFusion 2018, the framework has supported NULL values, but what you might not be aware of is that you can turn them on and off either globally (via the Administrator) or on a per-application level. 

April 26, 2022 - Blog - Ben Nadel - Considering The Separation Of Concerns When Invoking A Remote API In ColdFusion
When dealing with a local database in ColdFusion, the levels of abstraction and the separations of concern feel somewhat second nature. Yes, I've wrestled with some irrational guilt over returning Query objects from my DAL (Data Access Layer); but, on balance, I love the query object's simplicity and power; and, returning it from the DAL makes life easy. Lately, however, I've had to start consuming some remote APIs (microservices). And, when it comes to making HTTP calls, the separation of concerns is less clear in my head - it seems that so much more can go wrong when consuming a remote API.

Ben is essentially setting up a gateway to abstract getting the data so he can standardize what the service is receiving, so it shouldn’t matter where the data is coming from.

April 22, 2022 - Blog - Ben Nadel - ArraySlice() Has An Exponential Performance Overhead In Lucee CFML
The other day, I tweeted about Lucee CFML struggling with a massive array. I had created a data-processing algorithm that was taking an array of user-generated data and splitting it up into chunks of 100 so that I could then gather some aggregates on that data in the database. Everything was running fine until I hit a user that had 2.1 million entries in this array. This was an unexpected volume of data, and it crushed the CFML server. 2.1M is a lot of data to my "human brain"; but, it's not a lot of data for a computer. As such, I started to investigate the root performance bottleneck; and, I discovered that the arraySlice() function in Lucee CFML has a performance overhead that appears to increase exponentially with the size of the array. 

@bdw429s just left a comment on the blog-post about .subList() as well. It looks crazy-fast! This seems like the fastest possible implementation.

April 22, 2022 - Blog - Charlie Arehart - Updated - Solving problems calling out of CF via https, by updating JVM
If you’re getting errors in calling out to https urls from CF, especially if it was working and now is not, you may NOT need to import a certificate, nor modify any jvm args. You may simply need to update the JVM that CF uses, as discussed in this post. 

4/22/2022- Tweet - Brad Wood - Ortus Solutions - It sucks that CF engines still don't allow for CFCs to extend Java classes
It sucks that CF engines still don't allow for CFCs to extend Java classes.  That prevents me from integrating with Java libraries like this one who don't allow interface implementations, but require abstract base class extension. 

4/22/2022 - Tweet - Brad Wood - Ortus Solutions - native Java threading can’t access application/session/request scopes
One of the missing pieces for CF devs using native Java threading is the inability of your code to access your application/session/request scopes.  ColdBox works around this but we really need out of the box CF engine support!

4/19/2022 - Blog - Charlie Arehart - New updates released for Java 8, 11, 17, and 18 as of Apr 2022
New JVM updates have been released today (Apr 19, 2022) for the current long-term support (LTS) releases of Oracle Java, 8, 11, and 17, as well as the new interim update 18. (Note that prior to Java 9, releases of Java were known technically as 1.x, to 8 is referred to in resources below as 1.8.)
The new updates are 1.8.0_331, (aka 8u331), 11.0.15, 17.0.3, and 18.0.1 respectively). And as is generally the case with these Java updates, most of them have the same changes and fixes.
For more on them, including changes as well as the security and bug fixes they each contain, see the Oracle resources I list below, as well as some additional info I offer for if you may be skipping to this from a JVM update from before Apr 2021. I also offer info for Adobe ColdFusion users on where to find the updated Java versions, what JVM versions Adobe CF supports, and more. 


Several positions available on
Listing over 75  ColdFusion positions from 43 companies across 36 locations in 5 Countries.

2 new job listed

Full-Time - Mid/Senior CFML Developer at Cleveland, OH - United States 
Apr 22

Full-Time - Senior ColdFusion/Lucee Engineer (Remote) at Remote - United States 
Apr 19 

Other Job Links

Ortus Solutions 
Consortium Inc 
There is a jobs channel in the box team slack now too

ForgeBox Module of the Week
CBMailServices PreMail Filter

This is a tool that fires on the PreMail interception point, allowing you to filter emails being sent from your application using CBMailServices.

This supports multiple enviromnents, so you can turn on the filter for just one environment, or multiple environments, and you can choose to override the global settings, with settings for just one environment, whether that is allowed email addresses, or required email addresses. 

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week
Depot Data Editor by Afterschool Studio

Structured data editor for VS Code - Edit JSON data directly inside of code with a spreadsheet like interface. Can be used to replace the need for .csv or XML files


Bonus VS Code Livestream Recording - JSON Data in VS Code with Depot Extension

👤 Kyle Kukshtel – Co-Founder at Afterschool Studio

Depot is a data editor built inside of Visual Studio Code that allows you to edit JSON data like a spreadsheet. Join the lead developer as he walks through the functionality and use cases for the tool to see how you can use Depot on projects big and small. 

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox,  ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox. 

You can support us on Patreon here

Don’t forget, we have Annual Memberships, pay for the year and save 10% - great for businesses.

Bronze Packages and up, now get a ForgeBox Pro and CFCasts subscriptions as a perk for their Patreon Subscription.
All Patreon supporters have a Profile badge on the Community Website
All Patreon supporters have their own Private Forum access on the Community Website 


John Wilson - Synaptrix 
Eric Hoffman
Gary Knight
Mario Rodrigues
Giancarlo Gomez
David Belanger  (Bell-an-jer)
Dan Card
Jonathan Perret
Jeffry McGee - Sunstar Media
Dean Maunder
Joseph Lamoree  (Lah-more-ee)?
Don Bellamy
Jan Jannek  (Yan Yannek)
Laksma Tirtohadi  (Lah-ksma Turt-o-hah-dee)
Carl Von Stetten
Jeremy Adams
Didier Lesnicki
Matthew Clemente
Daniel Garcia
Scott Steinbeck - Agri Tracking Systems
Ben Nadel 
Brett DeLine
Kai Koenig
Charlie Arehart
Jonas Eriksson
Jason Daiger
Shawn Oden
Matthew Darby
Ross Phillips
Edgardo Cabezas
Patrick Flynn
Stephany Monge  (Monghee)
John Whish
Kevin Wright
Peter Amiri

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website 

★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

What is Modernize or Die ® Podcast?

Technology is ever changing, blink and you miss it, until now. This podcast keeps you up to date on everything ColdFusion related. News, Engine and Package Updates and Releases, Webinars Meetups and Workshops, CFCast updates, Conferences, Blog Tweets and Videos the Week from the Community, Job offerings, as well as the ForgeBox module of the Week and the VS Code Hint Tip and Trick of the week.