Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars

 Today marks a special episode as we introduce our new co-host, Sonny. Sonny’s story is one of unexpected turns, legal battles, and the harsh realities of prison life. This episode delves deep into his experiences, providing an eye-opening look at the journey from freedom to incarceration.

We kick off the episode with Sonny reflecting on the day he received an envelope that would change his life. The indictment came two and a half years after his business had already been shut down by the government. Despite having no prior criminal history, Sonny found himself facing serious charges related to his business operations.

Sonny discusses the emotional turmoil and confusion that followed the indictment. With no previous run-ins with the law, he was unprepared for the legal nightmare that ensued. Over the next two years, Sonny navigated court dates, legal fees, and the constant stress of an uncertain future. He explains how the government’s case was riddled with inaccuracies and fabrications, yet the burden of proof was on him.

The anticipation of his sentencing was filled with hope and fear. Sonny’s lawyer assured him that the worst-case scenario would be home confinement or community service. However, the reality was far more devastating. In court, the judge’s unexpected harshness led to Sonny receiving a sentence of a year and a day in federal prison. The judge’s cryptic and prejudiced remarks added to the shock and disappointment.
Sonny details the surreal experience of self-surrendering to Atwater Federal Prison. From his last meal at Carl’s Jr. to the moment the prison doors closed behind him, Sonny shares the visceral emotions and thoughts that raced through his mind. He describes the intake process, the dehumanizing strip search, and the adjustment to prison life.

Inside Atwater, Sonny was placed in a low-security camp adjacent to a maximum-security facility. He recalls the challenges of adapting to the prison environment, including the strict routines, the fluorescent floodlights that never turned off, and the community of inmates divided by race and car assignments.

One of the most memorable aspects of Sonny’s first night was his bunkmate, Eugene, a deeply religious man who would call out goodnight to every inmate each evening. This peculiar ritual, though unsettling at first, became a part of Sonny’s nightly routine.

Throughout the episode, Sonny’s resilience and determination shine through. Despite the overwhelming odds and the harsh conditions, he found ways to maintain his sanity and dignity. His story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of perseverance.
Join us for this compelling episode as Sonny’s journey unfolds, shedding light on the personal impact of the criminal justice system. Stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to explore the intricate realities of life behind bars. 

What is Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars?

Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars is a podcast hosted by Sam and Tony, two Asian-American men who defy the typical narratives surrounding prison life in the United States. Having met behind bars, they share a unique perspective on incarceration, rehabilitation, and the journey of reintegration into society. Through a mix of personal stories, candid discussions, and insights into the peculiarities and challenges of prison life, they aim to demystify stereotypes and shed light on the human stories within the prison system. Each episode explores themes of friendship, resilience, systemic issues, and the unexpected humor found in the darkest places. Join them as they unravel their journey through the federal system, the impact of rehabilitation programs like RDAP, and navigate the complexities of life after incarceration. "Criminal Code: Our Story Behind Bars" isn't just a podcast; it's a lifeline of hope, laughter, and insight for anyone who's ever felt imprisoned, physically or metaphorically.