No Ablo Espangnole

Is it okay to spank your kids? Well, if you don't want them to be absolute shits, the answer is YES! If not, they'll end up being the toddlers that annoyed us at the beach. On another note, hamburgers. Which fast food place has the best one? Certainly not any place on Auburn's campus. Meghan Markle, conspiracy theories, racism, and more on the 5th episode of No Ablo Espangnole.

What is No Ablo Espangnole?

Hola class! Strap in for the greatest hour of your life. Have your mind BLOWN away as we introduce you to the world of ~diversity~ with our stimulating conversations. Basically we have a tea sesh, and we want you to join! Hear two very different perspectives about college, society, and just life in general. And yes, we do know that the title of the show is misspelled. If you didn't pick up on that, stay tuned and we will culture you!