Prayers and Ponderings

Welcome to the second episode of Prayers & Ponderings, a Heartland Conference Podcast. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey or your journey in listening to podcasts, you're welcome here! The Heartland Conference is a part of the United Church of Christ and works with churches in Northern Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. We are overjoyed to share with you our first prayer: Rising Up, written and spoken by Conference Minister, the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins.

Show Notes

Prayer: Spirit Fruit with the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins

Loving God, ripen me…

Grant me grace to love
That Your pulse may enliven me.

Grant me your joining joy,
Answering the fear of the world
With your radiant Spirit.

Grant me Your peace to share
In a world aching to rest
From fractious fighting.

Grant me Your patience
Grounding my soul in grace
That I may offer the same to others.

Grant me Your kindness
For every rough edge revealed
In myself and all your beloved.

Grant me a generous Spirit
Trusting Your resource is enough
For the gift of this day You give.

Grant me a flood of faithfulness
Filling my heart with resolve
To trust Your power in all things.

Grant me Your gentleness
For every hard thing
Daring to evoke anger or fear.

Grant me self-control
Freeing me from the prison
I so easily construct
With perpetual distractions
Covering over the gifts
You yearn to give.

Yes, Love,
Grant me grace to grow
In this sustaining Spirit
That is You in all things
Seen and unseen.

And let it be
More than enough
For today.

What is Prayers and Ponderings?

The Heartland Conference Podcast of the United Church of Christ.