Foundation Talks

Part 2 of the Life After Death Talk

Show Notes

What we term “life” can be viewed as an opportunity for the indwelling Soul to gain certain types of experiences. Such experiences eventually equip one with the inherent wisdom enabling mastery and complete perfection in the world of form. Life after Death is not something easy to prove, but there are too many aspects of life and the circumstances of it to easily come to the conclusion that all ends at the moment of Death.

A person’s physical body is cast aside at death, yet what still remains is more subtle sheaths of mental and emotional conditioning of the former life and lives. The real causes for one’s actions, one’s subjective hatred, spites, and selfishness’s, etc., now clothe one and these must be lived out in consciousness. It can mean a state of hell for a period of time, however, that condition will disappear as the person slowly realises, or is helped to realise, the causes of their suffering, and thus endeavours to rectify them in the future. One also lives out the good deeds, emotions and thoughts engendered during life and thus finds oneself in pleasant surroundings and conditions. Much, if not all on the inner realms is based on the energy of thought; hence whatever is thought of, or gleamed is then made manifest and experienced.


Full transcript of part 1 and 2 here as a PDF

*Please note that the audio quality varies as these are live recordings of a group presentation. These teachings were recorded in Amsterdam in the late 1990′s. The material in these recordings are still relevant to today’s society.

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