ESSB podcast episodes

Why should we normalize discussing mental wellbeing? And why does research show that students are struggling with their mental wellbeing? This episode revolves around the EUR Mental Wellbeing Monitor, through which we address these relevant questions with assistant professor Marilisa Boffo, who co-leads the Wellbeing Monitor, and Ella Goldfarb, President of the Happy Student Society.

Show Notes

The EUR Student Wellbeing Monitor, which is led by ESSB researchers, was launched in December 2020 to find out how students are mentally doing. Students in higher education are experiencing change in a multitude of facets in their lives: increased independence, personal responsibilities and new social relations. Therefore, the transition from adolescence to early adulthood is challenging. In this episode, we discuss the results of the first wave of the EUR Student Wellbeing Monitor. How are the EUR students actually doing? What can the university and student networks do to be of support? To dive into these questions, we invited Marilisa Boffo (assistant professor in Clinical Psychology) and Ella Golfarb (President of the Happy Student Society). 

What is ESSB podcast episodes?

Bij Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) wordt veel onderzoek gedaan naar maatschappelijke en gedragswetenschappelijke vraagstukken. Door middel van deze podcast serie maken we deze kennis toegankelijk voor geïnteresseerde burgers, bestuurders, professionals, studenten en collega onderzoekers.
De diversiteit van de faculteit reflecteert zich in de varieteit aan onderwerpen die op deze podcast serie te vinden is.
[incl DPECS Podcast serie met verhalen over wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen bij psychologie en pedagogische wetenschappen)

At Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) a lot of research is done on social and behavioral science issues. This podcast series makes this knowledge accessible to interested citizens, administrators, professionals, students, and fellow researchers.