PAGL Podcast

This podcast explores the misconception of a change in feelings directly leading to health, emphasizing the Metapsychiatric perspective that behavior and feelings are products of thought processes influenced by perceptions, values, and preconceptions. The episode introduces the aim of Metapsychiatry to help people see better with valid thoughts, discussing the impact of mental climate, the separation between valid and invalid ideas, and the Three R's (Recognition, Regret, Reorientation). It addresses the influence of prevalent ideas on fear and illness, simplifying understanding, and highlights the role of conscious parenting and perfect love in overcoming fear.

What is PAGL Podcast?

Welcome to The PAGL podcast, a collection of dialogues with Thomas Hora, M.D., the inspired founder of Metapsychiatry, in live recordings of meetings with his students occurring over many years. PAGL is an acronym for Peace, Assurance, Gratitude, and Love, spiritual qualities we become aware of when we have caught a glimpse of divine Truth and are on the "right trackā€ with our lives.