Risk & Regulation Rundown

In this episode, guest host Andrew Strange is joined by Alex West, PwC’s banking and payments fraud team lead, and Ben Luddington, a Director in PwC’s financial crime practice, to explore the critical role of financial services firms in tackling financial crime and fraud.

Our expert guests share reflections on firms’ response to enhanced regulatory pressures, in particular through the incoming authorised push payment fraud rules, and debate the implications this will have on the banking and payment sectors. Our guests also discuss the broader operational, compliance and financial challenges facing firms in the battle against fraud and financial crime, and the key steps firms need to take to meet evolving regulatory expectations, including how to deploy technology effectively.

You can contact our PwC speakers if you’d like to discuss any of the topics covered, at andrew.p.strange@pwc.com, alex.e.west@pwc.com, ben.s.luddington@pwc.com 

To hear more from us on Risk & Regulation, you can access our regular publications at this site: https://www.pwc.co.uk/industries/financial-services/understanding-regulatory-developments.html 

What is Risk & Regulation Rundown?

PwC’s Financial Services risk and regulation podcast, discussing the latest developments affecting the industry, some insights from our work with clients, and our perspective on industry talking points. Led by PwC host Tessa Norman, who’s joined by a range of guests each month.