Just Sleep - Bedtime Stories for Adults

Tonight's snoozy tale is the fairytale Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault. If you enjoy the podcast, please remember to follow in your app. Sweet Dreams...

Show Notes

Tonight's snoozy tale is the fairytale Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault also known as The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods. There are a number of versions of this tale dating back to the 1300s. This version might be a little different from the one that you remember from your childhood.

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If you like this episode, please follow the podcast in your favourite podcast app. Also, share with any family or friends that might have trouble drifting off to sleep.

Goodnight and Sweet Dreams....

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What is Just Sleep - Bedtime Stories for Adults?

Do you have trouble drifting off to sleep? My mission is simple. To help you relax, put the stressful day behind you and drift off to sleep. In every episode, I will read an old story in the public domain. So lie down, settle into your pillow, close your eyes, and let me read you a story to help you sleep.