Founders Forward Podcast

Matt Achariam and Zach Hamed are the Co-founders of Clay. Clay is a beautiful and private home for all your relationships. Populated from the ground up using your calendar and social history, Clay is the most stunning, powerful way to remember who you’ve met—and what matters to them.

Show Notes

Matt Achariam and Zach Hamed are the Co-founders of Clay. Clay is a beautiful and private home for all your relationships. Populated from the ground up using your calendar and social history, Clay is the most stunning, powerful way to remember who you’ve met—and what matters to them.

Matt & Zach join us to hit on a few key ideas:

00:00 Introduction
02:28 How they acquired their first customers
06:45 Manually onboarding their first users
07:45 Why they focus on the problem to better build product
12:45 Why founders should stop overthinking outreach
14:30 The importance of empathy in the startup world
18:45 Why you should compliment more people
21:30 Relationship-based fundraising

Learn more about Clay here —

Or follow along Twitter here —

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