The Pleasure of the Text

In this week's episode, we continue to develop our creative writing pieces using the prompt: "Wandering through the graveyard, it felt like even the furniture had gone." With feedback on each paragraph, we morph fluid ideas into concrete stories. Enjoy!

Show Notes

In this week's episode is a continuum on last week's podcast, "It was a dark and stormy night...", which can be watched here. In that episode, we discussed auspicious beginnings for 2023 and started the new year strong with the writing prompt: "Wandering through the graveyard, it felt like even the furniture had gone." 

We continue to develop our creative writing pieces using the prompt, and, with feedback on each paragraph, we morph fluid ideas into concrete stories. Please enjoy! 

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What is The Pleasure of the Text?

Two friends obsessed with books and writing, we're Shannen and Gareth, and welcome to The Pleasure of the Text Podcast. Reading and writing aren't lonely pursuits, and The Pleasure of the Text lies in the shared imaginative space where readers and writers make meaning together. So tune in and join us as we talk about the books we love, interview remarkable authors, and discuss the writer’s craft.