Leader Activated With Joanne Lee

Leader Activated With Joanne Lee Trailer Bonus Episode 34 Season 1



Episode 34 -  WHAT IS MY MASTERY?

In this episode, I will be sharing with you on finding your mastery.

Do the thing that you are best at. Find your strength, your likes, your passion and try to master it. Find what makes you happy and satisfied. Do not focus on the things that you think will not make you happy.

Ask this to yourself, “where am I good at?” Search it keenly and carefully. If you have found it, refine it. Polish it until you can proudly say that you are the master in that field. 

Key Takeaways:
  1. Learn to love learning
  2. Know what you truly are passionate about
  3. Structure your business around the things you are passionate about
  4. Your business will take off if you really love what you are doing
  5. It is important to discover what you’re really good at.

Key Resources:
Visit Me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/askjoannelee
Connect With Me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/askjoannelee
Visit Me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/askjoannelee/
Tune in to My Podcast: https://shor.by/leaderactivatedshow

What is Leader Activated With Joanne Lee?

This is the Leader Activated show.
Hi, I'm Joanne Lee. I have 3 teenagers who are the light of my life. Being a stay at home mum, I too have my dreams. Now I am a mumprenuer in the beauty and wellness business. Over the years I've learnt how to manage both dreams and family. In this Show, we'll discuss about getting out of your comfort zone, cultivating growth mindset and overcoming naysayers and dream slayers.

From raising kids, juggling a career and living our dreams.
I believe that women in asia can have it all. Here you'll learn practical tips and strategies on how to activate the leadership in you!

Welcome to Leader Activated!