Soilent Green

Soilent Green hosts Alyssa Hanofee and Levi Johnson interview microbiologist Kelly Wrighton about studying microorganisms.

Show Notes

Soilent Green is a brand-new podcast by Alyssa Hanofee and Levi Johnson. In this first episode Hanofee and Johnson interview microbiologist Kelly Wrighton. Dr. Wrighton was the recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for her exceptional work in science and technology leadership. The two speak with Dr. Wrighton about her work studying microorganisms, their genomes, and their environment. Learn how Dr. Wrighton is working to better understand ecosystem function to enhance soil health, improve predictions of greenhouse gas emissions, and how microbes are really the ones running the show!

You can find out more about Dr. Wrighton's work on her website:
Twitter: Kcwrighton 
Front Range Microbiome Symposium:
CSU's Soil and Crop Sciences:
Soilent Green Instagram:  @soilentgreenpodcast
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What is Soilent Green ?

This podcast will be exploring how the rising generations are working to meet the challenges of the current Anthropocene era. We will be interviewing researchers, entrepreneurs, students, and other free-thinkers who are turning their passions into smart solutions. This podcast is hosted by students in Colorado State University's Soil and Crop Sciences department.

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