
Ctrl+Alt+Azure Trailer Bonus Episode 179 Season 1

179 - Azure Updates

179 - Azure Updates179 - Azure Updates

We take a frequent look at the recent Azure Updates. This week we found updates on Azure Firewall, Data API Builder, Azure AD Graph and Durable Functions, among others. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question.

(00:00) - Intro and catching up.
(04:05) - Show content starts.

Show links
- Public preview: Azure Database for MySQL connector for Power Apps, Logic Apps
- Public preview: Data API builder
- Sign up for Azure Data Manager for Agriculture
- Migrate to MS Graph from Azure AD Graph
- Bash for Beginners video tutorials
- What is Azure Firewall? (Azure Firewall Basic)
- Public preview: Illumio for Azure Firewall
- General Availability: ASP. NET web app migration to Azure App Service using PowerShell Scripts
- Configure Durable Functions with Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Learn

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Creators & Guests

Jussi Roine | Microsoft MVP
Hey 👋 Awesome with Security + AI. Building high-performing businesses | Microsoft MVP/MCM/MCT | Ctrl+Alt+Azure 🎙️ | Dad of 3 | Powerlifting + 🥦
Tobias Zimmergren
Principal Content Lead @Microsoft. Co-host @CtrlAltAzure. Tweets about #azure, #security, #cybersecurity, #architecture, and more. Ex MVP (13yrs)

What is Ctrl+Alt+Azure?

This is the Ctrl+Alt+Azure podcast. We talk about all things Microsoft, including Microsoft Azure, and share our experiences and thoughts on the way. Your hosts are Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine.