Ideas on Europe

Ideas on Europe Trailer Bonus Episode 65 Season 1

In defence of the EU-Mercosur trade agreement

In defence of the EU-Mercosur trade agreementIn defence of the EU-Mercosur trade agreement

Camila Villard Duran, you are a law professor at ESSCA School of Management, and as a lawyer, you would like to take the defence of a not very popular “suspect”. 
Yes, I would like to speak in defence of the trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur.
You realise that many European farmers are protesting against such an agreement right now!
I am aware of this resistance and can understand it. The simple fact that the trade negotiations with Mercosur have been going on since 1999 exemplifies the complexities and challenges inherent in forging international trade pacts among blocs with diverging interests.

What is Ideas on Europe?

Every Monday, a member of the international academic association ‘UACES’ will address a current topic linked to their research.