Builders Of The New Earth

I fell in love with Shayna as soon as I met her, because she is the real deal! She speaks with so much wisdom and passion on all my favourite subjects: yoga, food, and healing, and she comes from a place of true embodiment. With Shayna (as with all my guests in this series), they are not parroting something they read in books, or explaining something from an intellectual standpoint while being at a disconnect from it, Shayna is speaking from the heart and so can share yogic philosophy in a way that brings it to life. For me, this is what makes her stand out in a sea of yoga teachers where paradoxically, embodiment is not always present.

Show Notes

I fell in love with Shayna as soon as I met her, because she is the real deal! She speaks with so much wisdom and passion on all my favourite subjects: yoga, food, and healing, and she comes from a place of true embodiment. With Shayna (as with all my guests in this series), they are not parroting something they read in books, or explaining something from an intellectual standpoint while being at a disconnect from it, Shayna is speaking from the heart and so can share yogic philosophy in a way that brings it to life. For me, this is what makes her stand out in a sea of yoga teachers where paradoxically, embodiment is not always present.
Shayna is moving more into working as a Taoist Tantric Arts practitioner, and in this interview we dive into female sensuality and how to reconnect with self-pleasure and the intelligence of the yoni.

What is Builders Of The New Earth?

A series of conversations with women and men who are bringing in New Earth, and leading the way in raising our collective frequency. People who understand the truth of "Heal Thyself to Heal the World," and through authentically showing up from a space of love and healing, they invite those around them to raise their own personal vibrations and create offerings that contribute to the planetary shift that we are going through currently. Living in harmony with the earth, and working intentionally with the divine; actively engaged with the embodiment process of bringing the new energies into actualisation.

Kate Magic is a world-renowned raw vegan chef, health educator and author, and founder of