AGHOST Stories

The Wah Mee Massacre was one of the most brutally horrific mass murders in PNW history. Join us as we discuss the details of the crime, the results, and the aftermath that has caused many to believe that there is still a residual presence in the International District of Seattle.

Show Notes

Show Notes: The Wah Mee Massacre was one of the most brutally horrific mass murders in PNW history. Join us as we discuss the details of the crime, the results, and the aftermath that has caused many to believe that there is still a residual presence in the International District of Seattle.

What is AGHOST Stories?

Join us as we divulge the haunted history of Seattle's spookiest places, and speak to our first hand paranormal experiences as investigators in Advanced Ghost Hunters of Seattle Tacoma. Based in the heart of Pioneer Square, Spooked In Seattle houses our paranormal group, as well as haunted tours and a Museum of Death. Gather 'round the chilly Seattle underground and let us tell you real AGHOST stories.