Lehigh Valley Arts Podcast

This week, Ben talks with Christa Neu about finding connection through photography, Christa's career, and how the world of photography has morphed and changed over time.

Christa Neu is a photographer and photo editor for Lehigh University. She serves on the board of Healing Through the Arts, a non-profit organization that provides information and resources to encourage and support healing to individuals, caregivers and their families.
 Prior to Lehigh, she was Photo Director and Editor at Organic Gardening, Rodale Publishing’s flagship brand, and a photo editor at TV Guide. She holds her MA in Illustration Photography from Syracuse University, Newhouse School of Public Communications, and her BA in History from Alfred University. To keep up with Christa, follow her on Instagram @cneu, her artwork page @cneu_artjournal, her website christaneu.com. To see some of her work with Lehigh, keep an eye out on Lehigh's Instagram @lehighu.

This episode's opportunity is for Lehigh University's What Matters Most. Over the past year, over 100 Lehigh students, faculty, and staff, as well as community members in Bethlehem were asked what matters most to them.  A broad range of topics were discussed, from protecting our environment to fighting racism to our individual and collective well-being. The contributors were asked to discuss these issues, and then to select works of art from Lehigh’s collection that help us think more deeply about them. Rather than being illustrations of specific issues, or even the central topic of concern to the artist, these selections are meant to expand, explore, and connect our ideas about what matters most. Lehigh University Art Galleries invites you to visit the exhibition in five of our campus galleries, as well as along the South Bethlehem Greenway. Be sure to attend our free programs and events. For more information, visit the Lehigh University Art Galleries website at https://luag.lehigh.edu/exhibitions/what-matters-most or follow them on Instagram at @luartgalleries

What is Lehigh Valley Arts Podcast?

Welcome to the Lehigh Valley Arts Podcast, where we explore the local arts culture in the Lehigh Valley. We’ll be doing this through conversations with individual artists, administrators, and organizations. We’ll explore all types of mediums with the goal of enriching local culture.