Facility Rockstars

Today’s guest is an inspiring leader with an incredible career path, going from the Colombian Navy to one of the largest global PR firms to now managing top-notch facilities in Massachusetts. Diego Areiza is a Facilities Manager at ISS and a Maintenance Management Specialist in the US Army. Diego joins Host Jay Culbert for a fantastic conversation about how to manage the people-first nature of facility management, what technological solutions make a real positive impact on your day-to-day operations, and what facilities leaders need to know in order to succeed with the changing workforce.
  • Put people first. The success of any operation hinges on the team. Support, empower, and trust your people to do their best work.
  • Empower through delegation. Find the right people for the job, then step back and allow them the space to innovate and execute.
  • Embrace failure as a learning opportunity. Mistakes are inevitable but learning from them is where growth happens for you and your team.
  • Maintain open lines of communication with your team and others. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings with clients and vendors can streamline operations and foster better partnerships.
  • Use technology to enhance operations. Whether it's a CMMS for maintenance management or CRM systems for client relations, technology can greatly assist in productivity.
  • Treat leadership as a continuous learning journey. Reflect on your actions, seek improvement, and stay humble.
  • Develop a clear succession plan. This ensures that the team can continue to operate effectively, even in your absence.
  • Focus on clear goals and expectations, but allow your team the autonomy to achieve these in their own way. This can lead to innovation and more effective solutions.
  • Always be recruiting. Networking and keeping a talent pool is crucial for quickly filling roles with the right people.
  • Lead with empathy. Understanding and respecting each team member's unique challenges and contributions can create a more cohesive and motivated team.

Quote of the Show:
  • “Leadership is a science and it's something you need to study.” - Diego Areiza



Ways to Tune In:

Facility Rockstars is sponsored by Kaloutas, operating the way you operate in order to make your life easier. Learn more at: https://www.kaloutas.com  

Creators & Guests

Jay Culbert
Bjorn Bauge

What is Facility Rockstars?

This is Facility Rockstars! The podcast that celebrates the unsung heroes of our daily lives – facility professionals! I'm your host, Jay Culbert. Join me as we honor these leaders - sharing stories, insights, and expertise that empower us all to learn and grow together. Facility Rockstars is sponsored by Kaloutas, operating the way you operate in order to make your life easier. Learn more at: https://www.kaloutas.com