Curious Humans with Jonny Miller

Curious Humans with Jonny Miller Trailer Bonus Episode 22 Season 1

The Everyday Wizardry of Ritual with Casper Ter Kuile

The Everyday Wizardry of Ritual with Casper Ter KuileThe Everyday Wizardry of Ritual with Casper Ter Kuile


“The gift of spiritual practices is that they cultivate courage, so that we will risk more for one another.” —Casper Ter Kuile

Show Notes

Casper Ter Kuile is one of the most genuinely joy-filled humans that I have had the pleasure of knowing.

In this conversation we do a deep dive into his new book 'The Power of Ritual' which is out the day this episode airs, it’s honestly a perspective-shifting and heart-warmingly beautiful book on discovering the sacred amidst everyday life and seeing the world through the eyes of ritual. It's a real corker of a conversation! A few of the stories + questions we dive into are:

⛪   Some of his early experiences as a climate activist that unexpectedly led him to Harvard Divinity School

🙏   Redefining what it means for something to be 'sacred'

⏳   Why he loves the powerful idea of liturgical time

🤔   What he considers to be some of the enemies of ritual

📝   How to go about designing your own rituals amidst the lockdown.

❤️   Rituals that we've both created to foster meaningful connection with our respective partners amidst the quarantine

📆   How he has managed to create a secular sabbath for himself (and stick to it for over 4 years)

🧙‍♂️   His favourite Harry Potter scene (this is unexpectedly powerful!)

🎙️   The one lesson that he's taken away from working with the OnBeing team.


Where to find Casper on the interwebs
  • Say hi to Casper on Twitter @CaspkerTK
  • Join some of the virtual events Casper is leading
  • Read 'How We Gather' for free online
  • Join Casper's Newsletter (it's superb)
📚  Finally... I strongly encourage you to get your mitts on a copy of Casper's new book 'The Power of Ritual'

💌  Are you curious and also human? Signup for my monthly musings here >>

What is Curious Humans with Jonny Miller?

Deep dive conversations that celebrate self-experimentation and ask what it means to cultivate embodied wisdom.