Christ Community Church - Olathe Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES

Romans 2:17-29 // Jonathan Neef

On November 21st, 1995, the DC Talk “Jesus Freak” album made this quote saying, “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge God with their lips but deny Him with their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.” Reports from Barna's research earlier this year confirm that almost thirty years later not much has changed. People still find the number one obstacle to Christianity to be hypocritical Christians. Today’s sermon we will discuss how those who identify as followers of Christ are in desperate need of rescue from hypocrisy. In other words, we are in desperate need of rescue from deceiving ourselves, trusting in the wrong things, and seeking the wrong praise.

Sermon Notes:
Prayer Requests:


What is Christ Community Church - Olathe Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES?

This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Olathe Campus.