Fatherhood with Brett Farrell - Eternity release

Fatherhood with Brett Farrell - Eternity release Trailer Bonus Episode 2 Season 1

Divorce and dating with Christian Elliott

Divorce and dating with Christian ElliottDivorce and dating with Christian Elliott


What does fatherhood look like the second time around? Join Brett Farrell as he discusses being a dad in the context of divorce, dating, and doing it all again.

Show Notes

A21 Global Development Director and UK-based Christian Elliott is a divorcee now in his second marriage. He openly talks about divorce, dating, and doing it all again. 

Now remarried Christian is living with his second wife, his two young toddlers plus his two teenagers from his first marriage. Christian shares the challenges of blending the old with the new and the realities of integrating families.

What is Fatherhood with Brett Farrell - Eternity release?

There are lots of manuals and guide books on Fatherhood, but let’s face it - if you’re like me, you’re not going read them.

I thought the best way to become a better dad was to simply chat with other dads. They may not have all the answers but they do answer some of my questions.

In this podcast, I chat with dads of faith at different points of Fatherhood who talk honestly about how they handle this thing called Fatherhood.