Blur & Blend Marketing...Trish Talks!

This Episode of the B& B  describes my winning strategy, the secret sauce for my networking. success! My Framework since 2007?  ACE Networking!  A relationship building model that transfers networking success from IRL rooms to Zoom Rooms. In 15 min. Hear how  to ... ASSOCIATE, CREATE, ENGAGE to keep you top of mind with people you want to do business with--even when you aren't with them in person!
The episode references Trish Rubin's New York Minute for Networking. Published in 2007, Its foundations transfer to digital relationship building in 2020!

Show Notes

This Episode of the B& B  describes my winning strategy, the secret sauce for my networking. success! My Framework since 2007?  ACE Networking!  A relationship building model that transfers networking success from IRL rooms to Zoom Rooms. In 15 min. Hear how  to ... ASSOCIATE, CREATE, ENGAGE to keep you top of mind with people you want to do business with--even when you aren't with them in person!

The episode references Trish Rubin's New York Minute for Networking. Published in 2007, Its foundations transfer to digital relationship building in 2020!

What is Blur & Blend Marketing...Trish Talks!?

When I teach marketing, I honor the theory of yesterday, but I amplify practice of today. My podcast touches on how my talented industry guests navigate brand journeys using "blurring and blending" brand and marketing strategies that create innovation.