Trial Talk

The MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL is committed to actively involving patients and the public in our trials. All our Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) work is overseen by our PPI Group, made up of MRC CTU staff alongside seven patient representatives, with a wide range of experience in different areas. In this episode of the Trial Talk podcast, two members of the Unit’s PPI Group, Richard Stephens and Ian Newsome, discuss what PPI means to them; how they got involved as patient representatives in clinical research; and how the MRC CTU at UCL embeds PPI into our trials.

• Our PPI group:…our-ppi-group/
• PPI resources:…ppi-resources/
• Testing Treatments: Better Research for Better Healthcare (book):

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 Other details:
 Date of episode recording: 2024-05-29T00:00:00Z
 Duration: 00:34:43
 Language of episode: English
 Presenter:Charlotte Hartley
 Guests: Ian Newsome, Richard Stephens
 Producer: Charlotte Hartley 

What is Trial Talk?

The Trial Talk Podcast explores how our work at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL is improving health in the UK and worldwide. In this new series, we will hear from world-leading experts about the studies we carry out. We will get inside trials on cancer, infections, and neurodegenerative diseases, explore how public and patient involvement is shaping our studies, and discover new ways to run smarter studies.