For Episode 5, we are speaking to registered nurse, Tracy Fichtner, who is based on the Yorkton area. Tracy not only has her own experiences with chronic pain, but she has 31 years of nursing experience where she currently works in Primary Health Care as a “Healthy Living Facilitator."
Tracy has participated as a person with lived experience in the 2016 Saskatchewan Provincial Pain Conference, and in 2020, she joined the "Improving Pain Care in Saskatchewan Collaborative Research" (Improving Pain in SK) project, where she sits on the Provincial Advisory Panel as a patient partner.
During our conversation, Tracy shares some keen insight on the importance of "accept - believe - support" in chronic pain. She also takes time to educate us about what the pain cycle is (an image of this can be found on SaskPain's social media), and how that helped in her own pain journey. Tracy also tells us all about the "Partners in Pain" webinar series - a virtual community support & educational group for people living with chronic pain in Saskatchewan - which provides opportunities for engagement and learning.
Partners in Pain sessions are also recorded and available on YouTube (link below). Each 1-hour session consists of new knowledge from an information session with an expert healthcare provider, new connections through a personal story by someone living with chronic pain, new pain management skills by sharing tools for managing pain through a non-pharmacological activity. The remote environment also facilitates a question and answer people so thought-sharing and support is available.
More information about the IPSK and Partners in Pain events can be found on the website and social media channels, where they are also seeking sponsorship or donations so that they are able to continue to run these incredibly community-based events!
We hope you enjoyed this episode, and for anyone wanting to connect with Tracy directly, you are welcome to do so by e-mailing her at
Additional Links and Resources
SaskPain Website SaskPain Facebook"
Partners in Pain" YouTube ChannelA thank you to our sponsors and supporters:
The Saskatchewan Pain Society
The Community Initiatives Fund Our Editor, Chris Enns of
Lemon Productions We happily welcome feedback on this podcast, and are always looking for guests to speak to! Contact us at, or message us on our
Twitter, or
LinkedIn pages if you would like more information, or to get involved.