Mount Vigil

In this end of year episode, Anthony and Blaine unpack three invitations to a deeper life in God in 2025: communion with the Holy Spirit, unceasing prayer, and simplicity.

Mentioned in this episode:

Norman Grubb Rees Howells, Intercessor
Leonard Allen Poured Out
Jeffrey Greenman Life in the Spirit
Richard J Foster Prayer
Richard J Foster The Freedom of Simplicity
Mark Scandrette Free

What is Mount Vigil?

Mount Vigil is a Christian discipleship platform for the end of an age. We work to recover the whole story of Jesus, and to read the times we're in through to the story of Jesus. We explore everyday practices that help us experience more of Jesus. That way, we can take on more of his nature and find our role in his story. There is a way to thrive in a significant time. We invite you to join us and find out how.