80/20 with ParetoHealth

We’re talking lasers, but not the “pew-pew” kind. This is our conversation on stop-loss lasers and how they’re calculated. Lasers are among the most pressing concerns for employers, so we break down the details. Then we’re joined by Billy Potter, CEO of Snellings Walters, to talk about his journey into insurance, how business culture eats strategy for breakfast, and how to get the right people into the right roles. It also includes some psychological truths about your brave and beloved hosts, so listener discretion is advised. In our “You know they’re a knucklehead when…” segment, we talk about a particular piece of knuckle-headedness that plagues the industry. Namely, the advice that someone should “always take the stop-loss laser.” It’s a little bit like telling someone that they should “always cross the street.” Depending on the street, you might end up facing a bigger problem than what you started with.

Learn more about Billy Potter:

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What is 80/20 with ParetoHealth?

Health insurance, dissected. It’s a take-no-prisoners journey into the heart of health insurance co-hosted by two of its major disruptors. The Andrews (Cavenagh and Clayton of ParetoHealth) give you fresh insights and perspectives. Join them in their conversations with guests who are also transforming an antiquated industry and reshaping the way employers select and implement healthcare benefits.