Aaron Glover Sermons

Aaron Glover Sermons Trailer Bonus Episode 37 Season 1

Heir of All Things (Christ & Covenant series #2)

Heir of All Things (Christ & Covenant series #2) Heir of All Things (Christ & Covenant series #2)


When we talk about "Jesus", who are we talking about?
A wise teacher? A kind healer? Some random guy?
or is He much, much more?
Today we see several incredible truths and descriptions of Jesus in the introductory verses of Hebrews: He is The Prophet, the Son of God, Heir of all things, Creator, Radiance of God's Glory, Imprint of God's nature, Upholder of all things, Savior from sin, and He is Superior to all others!

Join us as we continue this series in the book of Hebrews, learning how Jesus is greater than anything else!

Show Notes

When we talk about "Jesus", who are we talking about?
A wise teacher? A kind healer? Some random guy?
or is He much, much more?
Today we see several incredible truths and descriptions of Jesus in the introductory verses of Hebrews: He is The Prophet, the Son of God, Heir of all things, Creator, Radiance of God's Glory, Imprint of God's nature, Upholder of all things, Savior from sin, and He is Superior to all others!

Join us as we continue this series in the book of Hebrews, learning how Jesus is greater than anything else!

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