Living Rock Podcast

Whatever we face? - JESUS is the answer! Ask and He will come! He (the Centurion) knew where to come. We also need to “know” this, many times we try to do things in our own strength - We can be so quick not to seek Jesus first. I can sort this in my own power, with the counsel of others, my own ability, sometimes we feel like God will hold it against us if we "constantly" pester Him? But Centurion "knew" that Jesus was the answer. To often we wait until we get to "crisis management" He wants us to "share" our lives with Him. This is the way He wants us to walk.

What is Living Rock Podcast?

Living Rock Church is a friendly, growing Christian church, meeting each week in Stoney Stanton, Atherstone, Market Harborough & Kenya. We’ve discovered that Jesus changes lives, heals bodies, restores families and gives meaning and purpose to us all. We’re convinced that church should be positive, practical, relevant and great fun! This podcast contains audio recordings from our Sunday gatherings.