Saturday Morning Coffee - the Reese Boyd Radio Hour

Welcome to Saturday Morning Coffee for Saturday, January 6, 2024!

Welcome to Saturday Morning Coffee for Saturday, January 6, 2024!  It's a special edition of Saturday Morning Coffee - a sad day where we reflect on the many J6 defendants who remain incarcerated, many of whom who still not, now three years from the events of Jan 6, 2021, have had their day in court.  We're joined on the program by Tim Rivers, an author and publisher who has been advocating for the J6 defendants and speeding the word about the appalling injustice that has been done to so many Americans who simply had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time on January 6, 2021.  Mr. Rivers discusses the "Patriot Mail Project" and the various things that you can do to help a January 6 detainee know that they are not forgotten and that you stand with them!

To check out the websites that Tim mentions during the show, you can click on the following links:


If you would like to purchase one of Tim's books from the "American Gulag Chronicles Series" you can find them here:

We encourage everyone to check out the work of the Patriot Mail Project and support their efforts, with your finances and with your time!  And thank you Tim Rivers for all you are doing to support J6 detainees and their families!

If you have questions or comments regarding the show, a show topic suggestion, or If you'd like to be entered in the next drawing for some of our excellent One Nation Coffee, send us an e-mail to the SMC Mailbag at:

And while you're at it, be sure to check out those fine coffees at One Nation Coffee:

where each purchase benefits the One Nation Foundation, which benefits military veterans and first responders!  And if you use the "Saturday Morning Coffee" promo code, you'll get a 10% discount on your purchase!

Thanks for listening to Saturday Morning Coffee!

The Saturday Morning Coffee Team
Proverbs 3:5-6

What is Saturday Morning Coffee - the Reese Boyd Radio Hour?

Saturday Morning Coffee is your weekly dose of conversational but unapologetic conservative talk. Broadcast from Myrtle Beach, SC on WTKN, Conservative Talk 94.5 FM (, Saturday Morning Coffee is the perfect blend of news, politics, entertainment, and enlightenment. Weekly episodes air/stream live from WTKN with your host, Reese Boyd III, every Saturday morning, from 7-9 a.m., Eastern Time.