SpeakEasy Studios

In this episode of MeMonday, host Lynn delves into the importance of a quality night's sleep. We all know that sleep is essential for our physical and mental health, but what happens when we don't get enough of it? Lynn shares personal experiences of sleepless nights and discusses the negative effects they can have on our daily lives. She explains why getting enough sleep is crucial for our immune system, decision-making skills, and emotional well-being. Lynn also offers tips and tricks for creating good sleep habits, including winding down before bed, establishing a nighttime routine, and avoiding technology before sleep. Tune in to MeMonday and discover how to get the quality sleep you need for a productive and fulfilling day ahead.

What is SpeakEasy Studios?

SpeakEasy Studios is on a missions to make professional podcasting accessible to everyone. On our individual journeys we come across countless people that share valuable nuggets of wisdom or have an uncanny talent to entertain. Why are they not broadcast to the world? How many others would benefit or be entertained?

The foundation of SpeakEasy Studios was built on our slogan "Speak and Be Heard." Prepare to be educated and entertained while experiencing a wide range of emotion. Some content will make you laugh while other topics may bring tears. Most importantly we want our content to make you think!