The Maximum Lawyer Podcast

Do you need some tips in completing projects effectively? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, Becca, the CEO of Maximum Lawyer shares essential strategies for executing projects effectively.

No matter the project, it is important to have a clear vision, roadmap and approach to reach the outcome you want. Becca emphasizes the need to start a project with the end in mind. It really helps envision the success of the project. It is important to create an outline to ensure you stay on track. Outline the goal and write out a list of broad steps from the start of the project to the end. After this, it is important to define the due date. It needs to be one that is realistic and attainable. 

If you do not set a due date, the project will simply not get done because other things will take priority or take you away from working on it. When working on a project, it is crucial to ensure you put time in your calendar to get it done. Whether it's 30 minutes a day or a few hours a week, put that block in the calendar so you are accountable to work on it.

Many projects are complex, with multiple people working on them and dozens of tasks to complete. Some tasks themselves are too big to just do and they need to be broken down into subtasks. This will take the overwhelming feeling away from yourself or your team when it comes to getting things done. Make sure to have a good project management system or tool to track all progress. 

Listen in to learn about the best way to get a project done!

00:23 Importance of having a clear vision of the desired outcome before starting any project
1:16 The significance of defining goals and due dates
2:20 The strategy of breaking down broader project steps into smaller subtasks

Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here

Creators & Guests

Jim Hacking
Jim launched Hacking Immigration Law in 2008 and his firm has grown to over 30 employees and helped thousands of individuals obtain their immigration benefits. He is the co-founder of Maximum Lawyer.
Tyson Mutrux
Tyson is the founder of Mutrux Firm Injury Lawyers and the co-founder of Maximum Lawyer.

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