((Human Up))™ Podcast

It's not just some of us. It's all of us. It's not just obvious ego-trippers... it's introverts too... The level of Narcissism I am speaking of is at a very deep level that one must Dare to ((See)) in order to ((Overcome)).

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When I first heard the word used to describe someone I had been living with, it was new to me.  Since that time it has become one of the most popular buzz words that people throw around to describe everyone and their grandma.  But do we really understand the foundations of Narcissism? Or more accurately, the lack thereof?  It's easy to point it out in another.  But can we have the courage to face it in ourselves? It's not a matter of simply changing your behaviors to SEEM less egoistic.  You can't fake this Liberation.  You gotta get the ((Source Science)) to overcome this primal affliction! 

What is ((Human Up))™ Podcast?

An honest, passionate endeavor towards a higher form of ((Being)).