Your Fellow Human

What does it feel like when someone speaks well of you?

Today I want to introduce you to Liliana, Liliana is this beautiful free spirited human, one that defines well with her actions what it is to respect another and be willing to ask or give space for the why behind who someone is

Liliana and I got to spend some time together in Palermo, and in addition to those times being filled with laughter and good wine, they were also times where deep conversation about life took place. I had the chance to hear about who this human is and how she so sincerely cares for life and those she gets to know 

We chat about what it means to be simple decent and “normal,” what it is to speak well of others when they aren’t around, the impact of someone caring without expectation or control, and a desire to experience life not simply watch it

She shares what it feels like to know her strength as a woman while simultaneously giving space for the way situations can feel uncomfortable, she shares how being grounded in what you want doesn’t eliminate FOMO but it does make trusting your decisions easier, and why it’s important to be caring but also to care for yourself 

Lily is one of those humans that you meet and you know you are going to miss when you have to say goodbye, she is one that holds love and respect, one that will care but not get caught up in what doesn’t hold weight, and one that I am so happy to call a friend

So tune in today and meet Liliana, a compassionate, caring, cute, and absolutely incredible human being 

And to you Lily thank you, thank you for being you, for the late night walks and talks, for the joy so genuinely share, for the light that radiates from you that you so sweetly give, and for the time to be in your presence. You are a gift to this world and I am so grateful I get to know you and call you a friend. 

What is Your Fellow Human?

These interview style episodes are all about the way we as people view life, the things we love and the things that cause us pain, the way we think, hope, and fear.

We each hold a unique place in this world, complete with our own dreams, culture, and perspective. It is the individual stories of those I meet along my journey that shape the way I see the world.

I’m excited to share these stories with you and hope they allow you to fall in love with humanity as they have for me.