The Last Theater

The implausible and rather inappropriately named eighth installment of the Friday the 13th franchise, Jason Takes Manhattan, features Jason Voorhees taking a pleasure cruise with a handful of recently graduated students. Is it a recipe for a tense and claustrophobic series of murders, or is a failed attempt at trying to put Jason in new settings? Listen and find out!

Show Notes

In this, night eight of The Last Theater on the Left’s marathon of 13 daily podcasts covering the entirety of the Friday the 13th franchise, chris and Joey discuss the slightly misnamed Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. Sure, Jason Voorhees winds up in New York City for a portion of the movie, but the majority of the film (and murder) takes place on a cruise ship. A cruise ship that started its journey in Crystal Lake. Sound implausible? Well, try not to think about it too hard. You might enjoy the journey more that way.

Download the show here:
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan – Podcast Episode 11

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Total Run Time: 48:09

Theme music: “Rising Game” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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What is The Last Theater?

Join chris and Joey as they explore the dark, forgotten side of film. From horror and exploitation, to b-movies, cult, trash cinema, and everything in-between, The Last Theater shows how even the movies mainstream audiences might find worthless have value. With reviews and discussions covering films and topics within the realm of the more extreme and often dismissed side of cinema, chris and Joey illuminate the vital role these types of films play in the larger pantheon of movie history.

Every movie has its audience, and every movie has value. One person's trash cinema is another person's treasure.