Wild User Interviews Podcast (Wuipod)

Some of the things we cover:

* State of the NDC - airing and listing grievances from a Builder's perspective (Diving deeper into The Viral Tweet).
* Anatomy of a Revolution: AVB got sacrificed first for speaking out, now moderates are coming forward with a silent majority behind us.
* What happens when a chain's main product become's governance? Incentive design. Admins overpowering the will of Builder's in what was once a Builder's Blockchain.
* Ideological Battles: the Socialists versus the Meritocrats (UBI takeover of NDC, Builder's)
* NDC Shift from token holder voting to Any Human voting - questionable measures put in place that results in lack of confidence from OGs to run.
* Many ways in which contributors that are critical of NDC are ignored, written off and increasingly targeted. Scope creep ('misconduct' now a common threat to anyone who dares to dissent).
* Technology winning *despite* governance - similarities between Venezuela and NEAR governance.
* Key differences between building a Product - must solve a problem for people, be validated or die -, and Governance - the product is to build moats to stay in power.
* Jared & Joe's life before NEAR - learning about the value of money by hustling and grinding in the real world: past businesses, startup ventures (both successful and unsuccessful), and more!
* On creating a culture of self-improvement and excellent. Mentoring builders and developers.
* and more!

The Viral Tweet: https://twitter.com/joespano_/status/1690406276113563648?s=20

NEAR Digital Collective: https://www.neardc.org/

Follow on Socials

Jared - https://twitter.com/jarednotjerry1
Joe - https://twitter.com/joespano_
Ready Layer One - https://twitter.com/ready_layer_one
Shard Dog - https://twitter.com/sharddog

What is Wild User Interviews Podcast (Wuipod)?

People, Product and Crypto.

Wild User Interviews is about open-sourcing open-ended conversations with the creative forces shaping up the decentralised world. In the wild, our guests range from Product Designers to Blockchain Architects, and include topics such as Philosophy and Proof-of-Stake. The common thread being our focus on the human side as he try to deconstruct the frameworks and processes to enable listeners to become the better version of themselves while venturing into the Metaverse.