Homecoming with Sarah Elaine Nelsen

If you only listen to one Swimming & Singing episode, listen to this one! In this episode I breakdown the who, what, and why of my therapeutic yoga teaching. I define WHAT kind of yoga I teach; WHO I most often teach it to; and WHY it's the best kind of yoga for who I work with!

The yoga I teach always includes:
  • extra gentle movement with breath awareness
  • stillness
  • contemplation
  • acceptance
Find out more about each of these and WHY they are so helpful for the types of folks I work with! 

And announcing the FREE Guide to Creating a Yoga Habit for Exhausted Perfectionists!! 

Sarah's Links:
Join the Homecoming Waitlist
Sarah’s website
Email: sarah@sarahnelsenyoga.com
Sarah on Instagram
Sarah's newsletter (receive the FREE Guide to Creating a Yoga Habit)

What is Homecoming with Sarah Elaine Nelsen?

(Formerly Swimming & Singing) Conversations and practices for returning to your true self.