Management For Startups Podcast

When you're moving to a new role — be it as an individual contributor to a manager, or a manager to another part of the organisation — your move is often fraught with uncertainty. 

This week, we talk about a method for increasing the odds of your success: seek out the people who have failed in similar situations, and ask for their stories. 

Show Notes

When you're moving to a new role — be it as an individual contributor to a manager, or a manager to another part of the organisation — your move is often fraught with uncertainty. 

This week, we talk about a method for increasing the odds of your success: seek out the people who have failed in similar situations, and ask for their stories. 

What is Management For Startups Podcast?

The Management for Startups Podcast is a weekly show by Cedric Chin that covers the basics of management for startups, small teams, and organisations between 2-50 people. The goal is to produce a complete resource for new managers on the startup treadmill.