Ty and Ry the Finance Guys

Ah the 2000's....Sept 11th, Iraq, Afghanistan and George W. It was a time of change and insane mortgages. It was a time when we all learned about derivatives, credit default swaps, sub prime mortgages, and, oh yeah, the U.S. almost collapsing. We came very close to having to sell Ryan Seacrest to China to pay our debts. The Great Recession infected every corner of the economy and every person's life. Yeah, it was bad. We are roughly 14 years removed, but have we learned enough from the past? Let us help you sort it out.

What is Ty and Ry the Finance Guys?

From retirement planning and solo 401k’s to real estate and cryptocurrency, there’s not a financial topic we won’t uncover--or a growth strategy we won’t unfold!