The Bible as Literature

In a culture that thrives on positive messages and expects praise from everyone for just about everything, it is easy to assume that St. Paul's use of praise in his letters is a gesture of kindness. Unfortunately for Philemon, a word of praise isn't always praise; kindness is not always kind; and useful blessings come in ways that you least expect and may not appreciate--but when they come from Paul, they are always presented as an offer you can't refuse. (Episode 43)

Show Notes

In a culture that thrives on positive messages and expects praise from everyone for just about everything, it is easy to assume that St. Paul's use of praise in his letters is a gesture of kindness. Unfortunately for Philemon, a word of praise isn't always praise; kindness is not always kind; and useful blessings come in ways that you least expect and may not appreciate--but when they come from Paul, they are always presented as an offer you can't refuse. (Episode 43)

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What is The Bible as Literature?

Each week, Dr. Richard Benton, Fr. Marc Boulos and guests discuss the content of the Bible as literature. On Tuesdays, Fr. Paul Tarazi presents an in-depth analysis of the biblical text in the original languages.