This episode discusses the scriptural evidence for the idea that Adam (a) is the forefather of all of humanity today. The answer to this question from a scriptural perspective is multi-fold. The ahadith are pretty clear that he is, however the Qur’an does not include much in a literal way, except for in the first verse of Surat an-Nisa. Various Twelver-Shii scholars opine that the literal meaning of this verse, or its dhuhur, indicates that all of humanity today are the offspring solely of Adam and Eve with no third-parties. However, in the event that there is definitive evidence otherwise, this dhuhur is not binding to a literal understanding of the verse. This is possibly the most crucial question in the series and this episode will break it down in detail.
Qur’anic References: Q.4:1
Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, “Genetics,” The Smithsonian Institution’s Human Origins Program, March 2010,
“Behind the Science” The Genographic Project: National Geographic, accessed February 20, 2015,
Dennis R Venema, Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture after Genetic Science (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2017).
Dennis Venema, “Adam, Eve, and Human Population Genetics Part 4: Signature in the SNPs” The Biologos Forum: Science and Faith in Dialogue, modified January 16th, 2015,
“Modern Human Diversity- Genetics” Smithsonian Natural Museum of Natural History, accessed February 20, 2015,
Lin Edwards, “Humans were Once an Endangered Species”, modified January 21st, 2010,
Nature Research Ecology & Evolution Community, “Adam and Eve: A Tested Hypothesis?,” Nature Research Ecology & Evolution Community, October 28, 2017,
Ewen Callaway, “Genetic Adam and Eve did not live too far apart in time” Nature, modified August 6th, 2013,
Douglas L. T. Rohde, Steve Olson & Joseph T. Chang, “Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans” Nature 431, 562-566 (30 September 2004).
“Becoming Bani Adam: Exploring Twelver-Shii Discussions on Human Ancestry” is a new podcast series which is an audiobook version of a long paper written by Ustadha Fatemah Meghji on the topic of human evolution in Twelver-Shii tradition with a focus on exegetical literature i.e. from tafsir. How does a person of faith grapple with evolution in today’s world? The audiobook is narrated by Br. Justin Mashouf and each episode includes an introduction by the author herself with a summary of previous episodes and at times, brief helpful explanations. Each episode spans between 10-20 minutes.