Holy Ghost Stories

Ruth's situation in Bethlehem looks dire until she meets someone who may be able to help. But will he want to?

Show Notes

Ruth's situation in Bethlehem looks dire until she meets someone who may be able to help. But will he want to?

Text: Ruth 2:1-3:15

  • Yahweh
  • Naomi
  • Ruth
  • Boaz

What's Spooky: 
  • Not much in this one, actually. One allusion to and one specific mention of rape. 


Winds of Change | Four Trees
Livets Ande | Judah Earl
Little | Kingpinguin
Gentoo | Kingpinguin
Charge Into 2019 | Dexter Britain
Snares | Kingpinguin
Deep Breaths | Eric Kinny
Gentle Rain | Shawn Williams
Close to Me (Instrumental) | CHPTRS
The Bird and the Moon | Jesse Brown
Debris | Tony Anderson
Sacred Rhythm | Hannah Parrot
Hurricane | Slow Meadow
Light Through Water | Stephen Gutheinz
Fine-Toothed Chrome | Sam Barsh


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Creators & Guests

Justin Gerhardt
Creator of Holy Ghost Stories, President of Hazefire Studios

What is Holy Ghost Stories?

Bible stories told beautifully, ushering you into moments with Yahweh.