Million Dollar Multi-Op


In this conversation, David Osborne and Toryn Lankford discuss the importance of networking and building relationships in the DJ industry. They share their experiences attending conferences and how it has transformed their businesses. They emphasize the value of in-person connections and the depth of relationships that can be formed through networking events. They also mention various organizations and groups that provide networking opportunities for event professionals. 

The conversation highlights the significance of going beyond superficial conversations and finding common ground to deepen connections. Networking is about building genuine connections and showing that you care about others. Remembering personal details about someone can make a lasting impression. It's important to go beyond surface-level conversations and get to know the whole person. 

Networking can lead to opportunities and growth in business. It can help you expand your reach, gain new clients, and even host events. The Art of Networking course provides valuable strategies for successful networking, including investing in preparation, initiating conversations, interacting with others, and integrating new contacts into your network.

The Art of Networking Online Course (Taught by Toryn) 


  • Attending conferences and networking events in the DJ industry can be transformational for business growth.
  • In-person connections and relationships formed at these events are invaluable.
  • Going beyond superficial conversations and finding common ground helps deepen connections.
  • Joining industry organizations and local groups provides additional networking opportunities.
  • Networking with event professionals outside of the DJ industry can also be beneficial.
  • Remembering personal details about someone can make a lasting impression.
  • Networking can lead to opportunities and growth in business.
  • The Art of Networking course provides valuable strategies for successful networking.

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What is Million Dollar Multi-Op?

Welcome to 'Million Dollar Multi-Op', the premier podcast for event DJ company owners aspiring to amplify their impact and income. Host David Osborne with will dive deep on topics that are important to you.

Here you'll find education, inspiration, and entertainment, offering exclusive insights to help you grow your team and hit your goals