HR in Review

In this episode of the HR in Review show, we focus on the why and how of creating "human-centered cultures" and why it should be a priority for leaders and HR.

Guest: Kul Mahay - Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Ignite Your Inner Potential

Kul served for 32 years in the UK police service, of which two-thirds were spent at leadership level.  During his time as a police leader, he has overseen complex and varied departments and commanded critical and major operational scenarios. He is regularly called upon to comment on issues around organizational culture and embedding emotional intelligence into organizational practices.

Kul has been coaching leaders for over 20 years and works with a global client base. Using his deep knowledge of Emotional Intelligence, Kul has worked with police forces, universities, fire services and the oil industry in UK, UAE, Qatar, India and Ukraine to help develop empowered cultures.  His passion for leadership is evident in everything that he does.  His personal coaching client base has spanned the globe. 

He is also the founder of the Human Centred Leadership Conference happening in Birmingham on May 22nd. The conference features a special edition of DisruptHR Birmingham. 

Questions for Kul:
  • You are a big proponent of the power of EI. At a high level, why does emotional ​intelligence matter in the workplace?
  • How can leaders create environments that foster a ​culture of dialogue and feedback and how did you encourage it in your career as a senior police leader?
  • In under 90 seconds, what's your blueprint for a ​more human-centric ​work culture? 
  • Tell us about the Human Centred Leadership Conference on May 22. What are some of the hoped-for ​takeaways for attendees? Can you tell us about a few of the speakers?
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HR in Review is produced by the leading UK HR website