AQR Qualversations

AQR Qualversations Trailer Bonus Episode 3 Season 1

Qualversations with Ellie Consta

In the third and final podcast in our Mini Series Debbie Newbould interviews Ellie Consta.  Ellie set up the all female strings quartet Her Ensemble.  In covid Ellie had an epiphany moment asking the question:  why aren’t we showcasing more female composers in classical music? Why aren’t we challenging  classical music norms?  Debbie chats to her about  being a young female leader in the classical music scene and what it takes to step up and take action.

What is AQR Qualversations?

Introducing Qualversations

AQR’s new podcast series designed to expand perspectives and deliver thought-provoking opinion pieces.

It is shocking to think that only 23% of business leaders in research are women. This needs to change! So, in the first few episodes of Qualversations AQR Board Member Debbie Newbould has interviewed inspiring women from outside our world of research to discuss women and leadership.