Fashion on Spot Podcast

Join me as I delve into the vibrant journey of Frivola, a Tanzanian fashion visionary born in Arusha. From a banking degree to igniting her passion for fashion and art, currently working at Rangi Art Gallery, discover how she brought her dream to life with her brand, Vola Attire.

What is Fashion on Spot Podcast?

Hey, there fashion-forward listener and culture enthusiast!!! I'm Ingrid Kim, your passionate podcast host from the Rifaly app podcast, and I have just wrapped up an incredible conversation with the trailblazers of sustainability and style, Noortribe. Picture this: fashion vibes all the way from East Africa meeting the European fashion scene sprinkled with a generous dose of sustainability and community empowerment - stay tuned for an exhilarating ride through style, heritage, and remarkable fusion of cultures.

Our discussion was so rich, it is a style symphony you won't wanna miss!

Thank you all for listening, hope you enjoyed this first Ride with Noortribe and too many more.