Gabbing Girl Time

Jenn and Gail talk about a variety of subjects. Life, death, Comedy that isn’t funny.

Show Notes

Jenn and Gail discuss Family stuff and drama, Menopausal symptoms. Jenn’s covid symptoms, Gail discusses the difference. In covid and her menopause systems. , Gail discusses the conspiracy that keeps Jenn and Gail from attending each others events. They end talking about the very horrible comedy decisions of Tiffany Haddish and Aries Spears. What is shock comedy? What’s going to far? Gail tries to break it down as a comic and find the humor or what they are thinking but its difficult to defend. Listen and let us know what you think?  follow us on social media @gabbinggailtime  @bruisedtonsils @brattievonbeaverhausen 

What is Gabbing Girl Time?

Dynamic Duo Gail and Jenn , a couple of mature fun gal-pals spill the tea about what its like to navigate being multifaceted women living in alternative lifestyles. Sharing their life experiences they hope to Inform, enlighten, and entertain as you listen in to their weekly adventures on Gabbing Girl Time.

Content is intended for mature audiences. Listeners' discretion is advised.