The CEO Dialogue

Jean-Pascal Tricoire, CEO and chairman of Schneider Electric, discusses how decentralization drives his corporate thinking

Show Notes

For Schneider Electric, making a difference centers on bringing technology and expertise to best manage energy – specifically sustainably produced electricity. After 16 years in charge of the French multinational – seven as CEO and a further nine as Chairman – Jean-Pascal Tricoire has clear views on what keeps him motivated. 

“You have to be very stubborn strategically and very agile tactically,” says Tricoire, in the latest edition of IMD’s CEO Dialogue “If you have your goal post in place, always pulling you some years ahead, then what’s important is to have your mindset on the next two steps – because that’s what keeps you really excited and busy.”

Belief in himself also helps. “I’ve been with my company a long time, and I think I know its business really well. I also believe, whatever people say, that competency is still really important – because with that knowledge you can really innovate. You understand those micro points and micro settings where you can find the spot that makes a difference.”

In conversation with IMD President Jean-François Manzoni, Tricoire explains how he has had a lifelong interest in taking a different path, and how decentralization drives his corporate thinking.


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What is The CEO Dialogue?

As President of the International Institute for Management Development - better known as IMD - Jean-François Manzoni has a direct line to some of the world’s most interesting and successful business leaders. In this new podcast, he shares that opportunity with you.In each episode, we’ll hear from a different CEO about the path that brought them to the C-suite, the insights they’ve gained at the top -- and the advice they’d like to pass on to the next generation.New episodes every other Thursday.