
EARPology Trailer Bonus Episode 34 Season 1

EarpFusionUK Recap

EarpFusionUK RecapEarpFusionUK Recap

Kevin and Anne catch up and recap their moderating at EarpFusionUk in Manchester during the weekend of  August 11-13, 2023.

Kevin's other Wynonna Earp podcasts are: Earp Sister Feels on Twitter @EarpSisterFeels and Tales of the Black Badge on Twitter @WynonnaEarpPod
Anne's other Wynonna Earp podcasts are: Wynaught on Twitter @WynaughtP and This Earper Life on Twitter @ThisEarperLife

You can find us on Twitter  @Earpology_Pod https://twitter.com/Earpology_Pod
Email: earpologypodcast@gmail.com
You can find us on the web at https://earpologypodcast.transistor.fm/

What is EARPology?

A Wynonna Earp retrospective deep dive podcast.